Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Self-Acceptance Means to Me

The term "self-acceptance" has always scared me. It's represented giving up. I have never accepted myself "as is" and I've been fighting ME as long as I can remember. I've kept in my mind that if I could just lose weight I'd be happy then I could accept myself once and for all.
Today I'm beginning to understand that I've been wrong all this time. Self-acceptance isn't about giving up, it's about loving myself despite all of the things I don't like about myself. It's about gaining self-esteem and happiness.
I want to get past berating myself everyday and begin loving and accepting myself. Honestly, understanding what I've just written is easy as pie, but actually doing it is going to be difficult. Erasing 33 years of negative self-talk is going to take time. Looking in the mirror and accepting what I see is going to take even longer.
There's no better time than the present right, I'm ready.

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